Monday 21 January 2019



Chest Physiotherapy is a group of physical exercises in which a physiotherapist helps patient to perform some physical exercises to improve the function of the respiratory organs. Chest physiotherapy is considered one of the best and effective methods to treat many medical conditions related to the respiratory system. It gives strength to the respiratory muscles and lungs thus helps recover from many conditions related to breathing problem. It cures many respiratory diseases like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cystic fibrosis, pneumonia, and many more critical conditions. It is the only physical process to overcome many conditions related to respiratory diseases. The cardiac physiotherapy will heal all the pain that you are going through. The process also involves pain management.
There are many categories of Chest Physiotherapy:

Deep breathing exercises: Deep breathing is a type of chest physiotherapy in which a patient who suffers from any respiratory diseases, inhales and exhales deeply to get more oxygen for lungs and to release more Co2 to make the lungs and body fit.

Coughing: It is the part of physiotherapy that helps to break up secretions from the lungs so that the mucous can be removed. In this process, patients are told to sit upright and inhale deeply than the patient exhale coughs and this process is done several times a day.

Percussion: This is the process in which chest wall is struck rhythmically with cupped hands and the process is called cupping or clapping. The purpose of doing this process is to break up the thick secretions so that it can be easily removed to give patients relief from trouble breathing.

Postural drainage: The procedure is used to drain lung secretion.

Some precautions need to be followed by patients in chest physiotherapy.
  • It should not be performed by the patient, who suffers from lungs bleeding.
  • Patients of asthma should never do such type of exercises because it may make their problem even more worst.


Saturday 19 January 2019

Heart Anatomy

Heart Anatomy: chambers, valves and vessels
The heart has four chambers – two superior atria and two inferior ventricles. The internal partition that divides the heart longitudinally is called the interatrial septum where it separates the atria, and the interventricular septum where is separated the ventricles. The right ventricle forms most of the anterior surface of the heart, while the left ventricle forms the heart apex.

Two grooves on the heart surface indicate the boundaries of its four chambers and carry the blood vessels supplying the myocardium. The coronary sulcus also called the atrioventricular groove, encircles the junction of the atria and ventricles like a crown. The anterior interventricular sulcus cradles the anterior interventricular artery and also marks the anterior position of the septum, where the right and left ventricles separate. It continues as the posterior interventricular sulcus, which marks a similar position on the posteroinferior surface.

Atria: The Receiving Chambers
The only surface feature on each atrium is a small, wrinkled, appendage called an auricle. Auricles increase atria volume slightly. Internally, the right atrium has two basic parts: a smooth posterior and an anterior portion in which bundles of muscle tissue form ridges in the walls. The muscle bundles are called pectinate muscles because they look like the teeth of a comb. The right atrium’s posterior and anterior region are separated by a C-shaped ridge called the crista terminalis.

In contrast, the left atrium is almost entirely smooth and pectinate muscles are only found in the auricle. The interatrial septum contains a shallow depression called the fossa ovalis. The fossa ovalis marks the spot where an opening, the foramen ovale, existed in the fetal heart. The opening closes after birth.

The atria are receiving chambers for blood returning to the heart from circulation. Atria are relatively small, thin-walled chambers because they only need to contract minimally to push blood into the ventricles. In reality, they contribute little to propulsion and pumping action of the heart. Blood enters the right atrium through three veins:
  • The superior vena cava returns blood from body regions superior to the diaphragm.
  • The inferior vena cava returns blood from body areas below the diaphragm.
  • The coronary sinus collects blood draining from the myocardium.

Four pulmonary veins enter the left atrium. These veins, which transport blood from the lungs back to the heart, are best seen in a posterior view.

Ventricles: Discharging chambers
The ventricles make up most of the volume of the heart. The right ventricle forms most of the heart’s anterior surface and the left ventricle forms most of the posteroinferior surface. Irregular ridges of muscle called trabeculae carneae mark the internal walls of the ventricular chambers. Another group of muscle bundles called papillary muscles project into the ventricular cavity and play a role in valve function. The ventricles are the discharging chambers, the actual pumps of the heart. Their walls are larger than atrial walls and when they contract, they propel blood out of the heart into circulation. The right ventricle pumps blood into the pulmonary trunk, which sends the blood to the lungs where gas exchange occurs. The left ventricle ejects blood into the aorta, the largest artery in the body.

Heart Valves
Blood flows through the heart in one direction: from the atria to the ventricles and out the great arteries leaving the superior aspect of the heart. Four valves enforce the one-way traffic. They open and close in response to differences in blood pressure.

Atrioventricular (AV) Valves
There are two atrioventricular (AV) valves. One is located at each atrial-ventricular junction and they prevent backflow into the atria when the ventricles contract.
The right AV valve, or tricuspid valve, has three flexible cusps.
The left AV valve has two cusps. It’s called the mitral valve and is sometimes called the bicuspid valve.

Attached to each AV valve flap are collagen chords called chordae tedineae, which anchor the cusps to the papillary muscles. When the heart is completely relaxed, the AV valves flaps hang limp and blood flows into the atria and then through the open AV valve flaps into the ventricles. When the ventricles contract, compressing the blood into their chambers, the pressure rises forcing the blood superiorly against the valve flaps. Because of this, the flap edges meet and successfully close the valve.

Chordae tendineae and papillary muscles serve as wires that anchor the valve flaps in their closed position. If the cups weren’t anchored, they would be blown into the atria the same way an umbrella is blown inside out by the wind. The papillary muscles contract and take up the slack on the chordae tendineae when contractions forcefully hurl blood against the AV valve flaps.

Semilunar (SL) Valves
The aortic and pulmonary (semilunar, SL) valves guard the bases of the largest arteries stemming from the ventricles and prevent backflow into the associated ventricles. Each valve has three cusps, shaped like a crescent moon. The semilunar valves open and close in response to differences in pressure. When the ventricles contract and pressure rises higher than the pressure in the aorta and pulmonary trunk, the valves are forced open and their cusps flatten while blood rushes in. When

the ventricles relax and blood flows back toward the heart, the cusps become full and the valves close. Heart valves – like any mechanical pump, can function with leaks, but if a valve is badly damaged it can greatly reduce cardiac function. A damaged valve forces the heart to re-pump blood over and over because the valve doesn’t close properly and backflow occurs. Because of this, the heart will weaken over time due to overwork.

Friday 11 January 2019

What Is Vascular Dementia and How Does High Blood Pressure Cause It?

Vascular dementia, the second leading kind of dementia after Alzheimer’s disease, is relatively unknown and unrecognized by the general population compared to Alzheimer’s. Yet it is responsible for at least 20 percent of cases of dementia.

The majority of dementia sufferers actually have both Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia; this combination is now the leading cause of age-related cognitive impairment.

What Is Vascular Dementia?
Vascular dementia is a brain disease characterized by problems with reasoning, planning, judgment, memory, and other thought processes. It is caused by brain damage from impaired blood flow to your brain.

Anything that narrows, blocks, or chronically damages your brain’s blood vessels can lead to vascular dementia by reducing circulation and depriving your brain of vital oxygen and nutrients. Without enough oxygen and nutrients, brain cells die and brain function becomes impaired.

Vascular Dementia SymptomsThe symptoms of vascular dementia are highly variable and depend on the cause and location of the blood flow impairment. They can develop suddenly, in distinct steps downward, or very gradually.

Once full-blown vascular dementia has developed, the symptoms can overlap with those of Alzheimer’s disease and can include:
  • Problems with memory
  • Trouble paying attention and concentrating
  • Trouble deciding what to do next
  • Confusion
  • Reduced ability to organize thoughts or actions
  • Difficulty analyzing situations, developing an effective plan and communicating that plan to others
  • Restlessness and agitation
  • Unsteady gait
  • Sudden or frequent urge to urinate or inability to control passing urine
  • Depression

High Blood Pressure: Common Cause of Vascular Dementia

High blood pressure is a leading cause of vascular dementia. While not everyone with high blood pressure will develop vascular dementia, hypertension significantly increases the risk.[2] Even if you have just slightly elevated blood pressure (prehypertension), your risk of vascular dementia is three times greater compared to someone with normal blood pressure.[3] And if you have stage 1 or stage 2 hypertension, your risk is even greater—4.5-fold and 5.6-fold, respectively.

Your risk is especially high if you develop high blood pressure in mid-life. In that case, even if your late-life blood pressure is reduced to less than 140/90, your risk remains elevated.[3]High blood pressure causes excessive free radical production (oxidative stress) and inflammation directly within the blood vessels that supply the brain.[2] Through these and other mechanisms, hypertension gradually injures the brain’s blood vessels, particularly the small arteries. Over time, the arterial damage caused by high blood pressure leads to what is called “white matter lesions.”

White Matter Lesions
The brain consists of gray matter and white matter. The gray matter contains the nerve cells while the white matter is composed of nerve fibers and myelin, which form the connections between the nerve cells and help to insulate and accelerate impulses.

Alzheimer’s-related dementia is caused primarily by lesions in the grey matter —called amyloid plaques. In contrast, vascular dementia is associated with white-matter lesions that occur when the small arteries that supply the brain are injured.

Many older people who have brain MRIs show white-matter lesions. While there appear to be multiple causes, hypertension is one of the most well-known.[4] Not everyone with white matter lesions develops vascular dementia, but the risk is much greater if white matter lesions are present.

StrokesAnother way high blood pressure leads to vascular dementia is by causing strokes. A stroke occurs when a blood vessel to the brain is either blocked by a clot (ischemic stroke) or bursts (hemorrhagic stroke). High blood pressure causes both types of strokes by damaging blood vessels so they either become blocked or burst more easily.

A single, major stroke can cause immediate dementia. But even mini strokes (transient ischemic attacks) or strokes that don’t cause any noticeable symptoms (silent brain infarctions) increase dementia risk. The more mini or silent strokes you have over time, the more your vascular dementia risk increases.
How to Treat Vascular Dementia Naturally

While the ultimate goal is to prevent vascular dementia before it occurs, treating your hypertension and improving your underlying blood vessel health may also sometimes slow the progression of vascular dementia when it is already present, preventing further decline.

Your best bet for naturally lowering your blood pressure and improving the underlying health of your blood vessels is to follow a comprehensive, multi-faceted treatment program that includes dietary therapy, exercise, nutritional therapy, stress reduction, sleep optimization, and other natural lifestyle interventions.

Tuesday 8 January 2019

3 Keys to Maintaining Vascular Heath

A human’s cardiovascular system is one of the most fascinating, complex systems our world has ever seen. By enabling the transportation of necessary oxygen to our cells, filtering CO2 out of the body, transporting nutrients throughout the body, and helping control our body temperature, it is truly amazing.

Just like an irreplaceable antique car or expensive boat, it is necessary to maintain and take care of all the moving parts working hard in your vascular system. Here are three natural habits to focus on to ensure your body is in its most optimal condition to stay healthy!


While this may not come as a surprise, quality sleep is one of the most important factors to staying healthy. Your body is a machine and, as such, it needs time to recharge just as any other piece of technology does. It has been found that not enough sleep, or lack of quality sleep, can disrupt critical functions in the body which puts people at high risk for vascular disease. Quality 6-8 hours of sleep is enough to take some of the load off your system and decrease the chance of any potential problems. 
Image result for sleep

Physical Fitness
In a world where people can access so many things with the touch of a few buttons, it is essential for folks to remember to spend time fine-tuning themselves. Daily exercise is crucial to maintaining proper vascular health. Exercise is vital to your overall health as it directly affects your heart’s ability to pump blood through your arteries. Physical activity can also significantly decrease vascular problems from occurring in your limbs.
Image result for Physical Fitness

While this part might not be easy, it may as well be the most crucial aspect to your cumulative health. While it is impossible to eliminate all stress in your life, it is essential to try and manage it as much as possible. It is necessary to plan out mental health days and experiment with new stress-relieving hobbies like yoga or meditation. Try your best to keep your work at work, and don’t let it follow you home. Give your brain a chance to rest and recuperate. To get the most out of yourself, you need to minimize the effects of high-stress levels on your cardiovascular system.
Image result for Stress

Forming these necessary habits to maintain your cumulative health is one of the most important steps you can take to keep your vascular system in check. 


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Monday 7 January 2019

Coronary Arteries

Blockages of the Coronary Arteries

The coronary arteries run along the surface of the heart and supply the heart muscle with blood and oxygen. Coronary artery disease develops when these arteries become blocked and can no longer deliver enough blood and oxygen to the heart muscle. Cholesterol-containing deposits (plaques) are the usual cause of this condition.
When plaques build up, the coronary arteries become narrowed, causing the heart muscle to receive less blood. Diminished blood flow may cause chest pain (angina) or shortness of breath. Complete blockage of a coronary artery can cause a heart attack.

When blockages develop in the coronary arteries, there is inadequate blood flow to the heart muscle. This lack of circulation becomes most obvious to a patient when there is increased physical activity. Typical symptoms of inadequate coronary circulation include the following:

(1) Chest pain (“angina”). A pressure or tightness in the chest, as if someone were standing on your chest. The pain, referred to as angina, is usually triggered by physical or emotional stress. It typically goes away within minutes after stopping the stressful activity.
(2) Shortness of breath. If the heart can't pump enough blood to meet the body's needs, shortness of breath occurs with exertion.
(3) Heart attack. If a coronary artery becomes completely blocked, a heart attack (“myocardial infarction”) may occur. The classic signs and symptoms of a heart attack include “crushing” chest pain, pain in the shoulder or arm, shortness of breath, and sweating.
If such symptoms are experienced, one should seek immediate medical attention.

Coronary artery disease is caused by damage to the inner layer of a coronary artery. The damage may be caused by various factors, including:
  • Smoking
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Diabetes
  • Radiation therapy to the chest
Once the inner wall of an artery is damaged, fatty deposits (mainly cholesterol) accumulate at the site of injury in a process called “atherosclerosis”. If the surface of these plaques breaks or ruptures, blood cells (called “platelets”) accumulate at the site to try to repair the artery. Accumulation of this platelet clump at the site of a plaque can block a coronary artery completely and lead to a heart attack. This is the rationale for recommending antiplatelet medications for patients at high risk for heart attack.

Risk factors

Risk factors for coronary artery disease include:
Male Sex: Men are generally at greater risk of coronary artery disease. However, the risk for women increases after menopause.
Family history: A family history of heart disease is associated with a higher risk of coronary artery disease, especially if a close relative developed heart disease at an early age.
Smoking: Nicotine constricts the blood vessels, and carbon monoxide can damage their inner lining, making them more susceptible to atherosclerosis. The incidence of heart attack in smokers is at least 3x higher than for non-smokers.
High blood pressure: Uncontrolled high blood pressure can result in thickening of the artery wall, thus narrowing the channel through which blood can flow.
High blood cholesterol levels: High levels of cholesterol in the blood can increase the risk of formation of plaques and atherosclerosis.
Diabetes: Diabetes is associated with an increased risk of coronary artery disease.
Lack of exercise.
High stress: Emotional stress may damage the lining of the arteries and increase the risk of plaque formation in the wall of the coronary artery.

As one might expect, a combination of risk factors increases the chance of developing coronary artery disease. “Metabolic syndrome” is an example of this. This “syndrome” consists of high blood pressure, high triglycerides, elevated insulin levels and accumulation of excess body fat at the waist.

Sometimes, patients who are thin, have normal blood pressure, don’t smoke, have no family history of coronary artery disease and have normal levels of blood cholesterol nevertheless develop coronary artery disease. This leads some people to the conclusion that the risk factors that we generally recognize as causing coronary artery disease, may not be the only risk factors after all. Other “possible risk factors” have been proposed to explain such cases. These include the following:
C-reactive protein: a normal protein that appears in higher amounts when there's swelling somewhere in the body. High CRP levels may be a risk factor for heart disease. It is thought that as coronary arteries narrow, there is more CRP in the blood.
Homocysteine: an amino acid that the body uses to make protein and to build and maintain tissue. It is thought by some that excessive levels of homocysteine may increase the risk of coronary artery disease.
Fibrinogen: a protein in the blood that is important for normal clotting of the blood. Excessive fibrinogen, however, may increase clumping of platelets, causing a clot to form in a coronary artery, leading to a heart attack.
Lipoprotein (a): this substance forms when a low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particle attaches to another type of protein in the blood. Lipoprotein (a) may interfere with the body's ability to dissolve blood clots. High levels of lipoprotein (a) may be associated with an increased risk of coronary artery disease and heart attack.
Sleep apnea: a condition characterized by repeated stopping and starting of breathing while a person is sleeping. This results in a dropping of oxygen levels in the blood, an elevation of blood pressure, and a strain on the heart which may lead to coronary artery disease.

Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease

Treatment consists of modifying the risk factors that cause coronary artery disease. Weight reduction, management of hypertension and diabetes, stopping cigarette smoking, increasing physical activity, and lowering cholesterol levels through diet and medications are all very important treatment recommendations for patients with, or at risk for, coronary artery disease. Interventions such as coronary angioplasty and stenting or coronary artery bypass surgery are treatment options available for patients who are not adequately treated with less invasive options

Wednesday 2 January 2019


Cerebrovascular disease is any disease or condition where the blood vessels (vascular) in or connected to the brain (cerebro) have difficulty supplying blood to the brain. Arteries may become blocked by fatty deposits or by a blood clot. The results of cerebrovascular disease can result in a cerebrovascular event such as a stroke or a cerebral aneurysm.

How Does Cerebrovascular Disease Affect Blood Flow to the Brain?
Cerebrovascular diseases can limit the flow of blood through the arteries to the brain. The carotid arteries bring oxygen-rich blood to the front part of the brain. The blood vessels which carry oxygenated blood to the back portion of the brain are called the vertebral arteries.
This lack of blood flow to the brain may be caused by:
Thrombosis: A cerebral thrombosis is a blood clot that develops in an artery that delivers blood to a portion of the brain.
Embolism: An embolism is when the blood flow of the vessel is impeded by an object in such as a blood clot, piece of plaque or air bubble that has floated in the bloodstream until it lodges in the brain. A thrombus can travel and become an embolus.
Hemorrhage: Bleeding in the brain caused by leaking or burst vessels.
Stenosis: The carotid blood vessels can narrow, thereby reducing the flow of blood.
Ischemia: When there is a loss of blood flow to brain tissue, which can be caused by thrombosis and lead to an embolism.

The specific cause of vascular disease in the brain depends on the type of condition, but the majority of cerebrovascular events are caused by atherosclerotic disease, which is the accumulation of plaque that can slow blood flow to the brain and lead to a stroke.
Complex Cerebrovascular Conditions Treated at NSPC in New York

The leading cerebrovascular neurosurgeons at NSPC have extensive experience in treating an array of complex cerebrovascular diseases including:
  • Aneurysms of the brain
  • Cerebral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs)
  • Carotid and intracranial stenosis
  • Moyamoya disease
  • Stroke including hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke

Our award-winning physicians are highly trained in traditional open surgery, microsurgical treatments, and minimally invasive endovascular procedures.

Cerebrovascular Disease Treatments
Brains aneurysms
Cerebral aneurysms occur when an artery wall in the brain becomes weak and pouches out. Larger aneurysms are more likely to burst. Both ruptured and unruptured aneurysms can be treated by either open surgical clipping or less invasive endovascular techniques.

Surgical clipping of aneurysms involves attaching a thin, metal clip on the base of the aneurysm to prevent additional blood from filling the space. With endovascular therapy , a small incision is made to allow a very small balloon catheter to enter an artery and travel to the site of the aneurysm. Once there, a coil is put inside to block blood to the aneurysm. A stent may also be employed to strengthen the artery wall.

Brain arteriovenous malformations (AVMs)

An arteriovenous malformation is an abnormal entanglement of veins and arteries. The normal function of arteries is to bring oxygenated blood to the brain or spine and of veins to carry the blood away. But with arteriovenous malformations, an abnormal network of arteries and veins means the oxygen-rich blood in the arteries is not going to the necessary tissue but is redirected to the veins. These weakened blood vessels are more likely to thin and leak blood into the brain than healthy vessels. Minimally invasive embolization employs neuroendovascular therapy to transports medical glue through a catheter to the AVM site to seal off blood flow to the vascular malformation.

Microsurgical techniques may be recommended for certain cerebral AVMs. This open surgery utilizes a computer-assisted craniotomy to remove a small portion of the skull allowing the neurosurgeon access to the brain. A surgical resection to remove the AVM may also be coordinated with stereotactic radiosurgery to destroy any remaining portion of the AVM.

Stereotactic radiosurgery for cerebral AVMs uses highly focused radiation beams to eradicate lesions. This is a minimally invasive treatment that is bloodless and is usually an outpatient procedure. It can be very effective for smaller AVMs, but results are not immediate. The experienced neurosurgeons at NSPC can come up with a personalized treatment plan that takes into account your unique situation.

Carotid stenosis
When atherosclerosis, the buildup of plaque in the arteries, of the carotid restricts the blood to the brain, it is called carotid stenosis . If less conservative treatments such as medications do not halt the intracranial stenosis, your doctor may recommend surgical treatment to repair the narrowing of the blood vessels.

Carotid endarterectomy is the direct surgical removal of plaque from the walls of the carotid artery. A less invasive surgical procedure, carotid angioplasty and stenting involves inserting a balloon-tipped catheter to widen the constricted blood vessel and placing a stent in the artery to keep the artery open.

Moyamoya disease

This rare, progressive disease involves the narrowing of the carotid artery but is not caused by the accumulation of fatty deposits on the walls of the blood vessel. With Moyamoya disease, the blood vessels at the base of the brains become blocked and new blood vessels develop in an attempt to transport blood. The surgical treatments for Moyamoya include direct and indirect revascularization procedures to re-establish blood flow to the brain. During an STA-MCA bypass, your surgeon attaches a superficial temporal artery (STA) to the middle cerebral artery (MCA) to restore blood flow. For an EDAS (encephaloduroarteriosynangiosis) procedure, the superficial temporal artery is attached to the brain’s surface, encouraging new vessels to develop. With an EMS (encephalomyosynangiosis), the neurosurgeon places a tiny part of the temporalis muscles from the head and attaches it to the brain’s surface to stimulate proper blood flow.

A stroke is a sudden disruption in the flow of blood circulating in the brain. If caused by a blockage, it may be an ischemic stroke. A transient ischemic attack (TIA) is a collection of stroke symptoms that themselves resolve in 24 hours. A hemorrhagic stroke involves bleeding in the brain.
Emergency medical care is critical in treating a stroke. Medications may be introduced to dissolve a clot, to reduce intracranial pressure, to halt vasospasm, or to avert a seizure. Other surgical procedures to repair the blood vessel may be warranted such as
  • Carotid endarterectomy,
  • Balloon angioplasty and stenting,
  • Intracranial bypass,
  • Stereotactic surgery, or
  • Surgical clipping to treat ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes.
State-of-the-Art Treatments for Cerebrovascular Disease at NSPC

Our team of NY-based neurosurgeons, neurologists, and interventional neuroradiologists have expertise in diagnosing and the accompanying treatments of complex cerebrovascular diseases. Our neurosurgical practice also has deep expertise in a range of related subspecialties including endovascular therapy of brain aneurysms, neoplasms and cerebral AVMs, acute stroke intervention, and extra-cranial/intra-cranial angioplasty and stenting of obstructions in the brain’s blood vessels.

Our premier neurosurgical group has extensive experience in treating complex cerebrovascular disorders employing computer-assisted cranial surgery and in using less invasive techniques such as endovascular therapy and stereotactic radiosurgery.

The brain specialists at NSPC’s offices in Long Island and the surrounding New York area provide state-of-the-art surgical solutions to cerebrovascular diseases and other cerebral conditions. Contact us to find out how our surgical expertise can improve your health and life.

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Ectopia Cordis - A Rare Heart Disease

Ectopia Cordis????? It is one of the rare heart diseases in which the position of the heart is found in an abnormal manner. As the name ...